The reason most of us like Android OS so much, is the freedom it provides. you can basically make the phone extremely productive, all you have to do is organize it properly with the right applications.
That being said, we’re here to Present our new app Diesel: The Most Used Apps. The app’s design is unique and polished, and the performance is also very smooth.
App’s full name actually tells the whole story, this app will essentially put your most used / recently used apps in the notification tray. Diesel is a really polished product which offers many customization options. Pin your favorite apps in the notification tray, choose the shortcuts like Direct Dial, Bookmarks, Gmail Folders, and many more.
This app will give you easy access to them whatever you’re currently doing on your phone.
As already mentioned, there are various settings available in options of this app, you can, for example, blacklist unwanted apps, use themes, look at usage statistics, and the app even supports icon packs from different launchers.
These are just some options I’ve listed, there are plenty more in the app itself. Now, Diesel really has lots to offer, the trade off might be worth it.