Simply select a few artists, albums or genres or use our advanced options for even greater control. Save your playlists and listen time and time again! Easy.
There are a lot of playlist apps on the App store that are complicated and hard to use.
This one isn't. It's quick and asks as little of you as possible. You know which music you like the best - use this app to quickly find it.
​Key features
Find your favourite artists, albums and genres and add them together
Limit your playlist to a single track per artist or album to keep it varied
Filter by last played or play count to prioritise your favourite music
Choose tracks of a certain length to suit your mood
Pick tracks from certain years to get your nostalgia fix!
Save playlists you've created and play them time and time again
Includes an in-built music player with all the functionality you'd expect
Even the name is simple!
Why I created this app
I have a lot of music on my phone which makes it hard to find the tracks I love the most. The 'top 25' most played is a start, but it's dominated by just a handful of my favourite artists. I don't want to find NEW music - I just want to reclaim the music I already have. This app makes that easy.
If this sounds like you then give the app a try. It's free after all!​