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Lattice - A game of mind

Lattice - A game of mind

by Vaayu app


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8.70 Design
8.09 Usability
8.29 Creativity
8.36 Average

Why Lattice is helpful for your mind?
✰ Lattice has nine points.
✰ Each points can occupied 3 different colour rings.
✰ You have 27 rings
✰ Your challenge is making points as much as possible
✰ You will get points by matching same colour.
✰ Now every time you drag ring to Lattice point you gets a new ring with new colour.
✰ Every time you mismatch ring you make this game tougher.
✰ Every time you will have to think for your future step. Because one wrong step and you are gone.
✰ If you are making point greater than 150 then you are average
✰ If you are making point in between 150 to 170 you are above average
✰ If you are making point more than 170 then according to our research you are a genius.
✰ Our research has shown that every time you play you become smart.
✰ This also has very cool animation and awesome user interface.

✰ You play hard also challenge your friends on Facebook and Whatsapp.
✰ Stop playing games which make you dumb. 

✰ Play and share score on Facebook and Whatsapp.

✰ Challenge your friends.

✰ Awesome user interface with cool animations.

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