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Meteor Bubble Blitz

Meteor Bubble Blitz

by Marcio Alves


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0.05 Design
0.05 Usability
0.05 Creativity
0.05 Average

Meteor Bubble Blitz is reminiscent of old-but-good Arcade games and is inspired partially from PlayStation’s Intelligent Cube hit title. Earth is under fire from a meteorite shower and your goal is to protect it from total destruction.

On a Tetris-like gridded game board meteorites fall from the top and you must have a good strategy in place to stop them before reaching the bottom of the board (where Earth is). Simply tap on a grid cell to activate a bomb then tap again to destroy the passing meteorite. Sounds easy, right? Well, things become more complicated as levels progress and new obstacles are introduced.

Here’s a little bit more about Meteor Bubble Blitz:

– Fast Paced Gameplay. Meteor Bubble Blitz is very easy to learn, all you have to do is select an empty square below a meteorite and tap to set explosives. When the meteorite reaches the square, tap again to destroy it. Careful though, the meteorite shower is fast and once it reaches Earth the game is over. Luckily you can use special power-ups to generate chain reactions.

– Destructive Power-ups. Every now and then you’ll see power-ups scattered throughout the grid of meteorites. The RED elements will destroy every adjacent meteorite while the PURPLE ones will destroy every meteorite on a vertical line. Use more than 2 powerups in a row to create a chain reaction!

– Obstacles. As levels increase in difficulty you’ll encounter Blocks that cannot be destroyed and penalize you for trying, Red Hot Meteors that are blazing fast compared to usual ones and lastly a second wave of meteorites. These obstacles make advanced levels more challenging.

– Combos. If you destroy multiple meteorites with a single move and repeat that action you’ll get combo bonuses and a better score. Combos are ideal as they also destroy multiple meteorites at once, so from a simple “Good Combo” to the ultimate “Ultra Combo” those deadly meteorites stand no chance.

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