Tired of wasting time searching for a new wallpaper? You’re in the right place!
Download Ready2Wall - HD 4K Wallpapers now to choose the best wallpaper for your tastes to give your device an unique look!
Browse many different categories
Choose a new wallpaper from a lot of different categories like nature, space, animals, earth, cities, food and much more!
Apply and share wallpapers
Apply wallpapers with or without crop. Don't forget to share your favourite wallpapers with your friends!
Constantly updated
New wallpapers are added daily to the various subreddits, so you can find new content constantly!
Wallpapers built specifically for mobile devices
Not only "standard" wallpapers, but also many vertical wallpapers built for mobile devices to choose from. Also wallpapers for amoled screens are available!
Save wallpapers on your device
Save your wallpapers for later offline use in the gallery!
The backgrounds showed in the app come from the best Reddit's wallpapers subreddits.
(The app uses the Reddit's API and is not affiliated with Reddit: it is an independent app)