Reelhost is the only dedicated community in the world where you can meet up to watch films in the comfort of your own home.
At Reelhost, we want to change the way you connect with people. Dating apps nowadays days mean you swipe left or right or other gimmicks to get you on board.
We're not about that.
Reelhost allows you to host or attend film sessions and local community can see and get involved. Simple as that.
Reelhost is designed to be simple, no special algorithms or matchmaking technology, anyone can get involved in our two different modes.
Hosting: You are the Host, you set up the night, Make the rules decide who you want to accept to the night, when to release the address and the rules of the night.
Attendee: You are attending the event, you have to request to join, leave a message for the host and if you're accepted you get put in a group chat with the other attendees and the host to break the ice.
How does it work?
Signing up is simple.
- -You can sign up using an Email address or Facebook account and link some of your information across to the account, Like your name and profile picture.
Hosting a Session
- When You Host a session, local users will then be able to see what sessions are being hosted in their area. They will also receive a Push notification to let them know new sessions are being hosted!
- Users in the local area can then request to join the session.
- Hosts at this point have the ability to accept or decline requests and can look at the profile of the user requesting.
- Each accepted user enters a group chat where everyone can talk with one another about the session and snacks they're bringing!
- Only once the Host is happy with the selection of accepted Attendees, they then share the location of the session to the group. After the session, Attendees are prompted to review the Host and vice versa. This helps users build up a profile reputation which will help them when requesting to join other future sessions.
- Reelhost allows users to be verified by doing the following:
- Linking Facebook account
- Verifying Email Address
- Being Reviewed by attending or hosting a session
Once you have done all the above you will become a verified member of the community and have a Tick next to your profile.
Reelhost is a great way to organise your friends or can be used to meet new people when you are new to a town or city.
Reelhost makes movies social again, letting you tailor make your perfect movie night!