Everybody has his own demand on tracking time, but most people can't persist on it because of the complicated and troubled track method. Habit of "tracking time and management" still belongs to a few people.
Here are some complains from users:
" I used to tracking time using A app, but now I keep of thinking about turn on the logger before everything I do."
"I am very busy everyday, so I always forgot to turn off the logger until hours later"
"Accurate logger got me crazy, I had to stop the timer to go to bathroom in middle of work ."
Obviously, it is stupid to spend much time on tracking time itself. There is no need of that accuracy to analyze time spending.
Based on it, we creatively separate time into blocks by half an hour, since it's easy for people to remember their activities. Tracking becomes very easy: just select and tap, no bothers. On toilet, having rest time, it costs only a few seconds to tracking a whole day life.
Timeblocks has super easy and rapid method to track time which hardly costs energy. It makes everyone to build a good habit of tracking time and analysis. No need to have huge persistence, you can still persist on time management.