Total Cryptos (TC) @ is a data information analysis engine built and maintained by Bloc10 a Blockchain FinTech Cryptocurrency Development company. Total Cryptos aggregates Cryptocurrency data from major exchanges and combines them into our own “Total Cryptos” price. As there is no central exchange for Crypto currencies, prices can vary from exchange to exchange. So we provide both raw prices and their sources on our website as well as our own aggregated price referenced as "TC" or “Total Cryptos.” The Total Cryptos Android app has features such as "Watchlist" where users can add and track their own coins. Also you can change the display from 'dark' theme to 'light' theme. Sort cryptos by biggest gainers and losers. We even offer the data raw from exchanges so you can check the price directly from your favorite exchange, or view the Total Cryptos aggregated price. Check the news from major Crypto news feeds. It's free, it's fun, and it's Total Cryptos!