Want to start saving/investing some of your money in 2020, and putting it towards something more productive? Check out this shortlist of financial apps and services that might be a good place to start.
Essentially an AI ‘robot’ that assesses the market and invests your spare change accordingly, Plum is rated as one of the best UK investing apps to get started with currently, and you can get going from as little as £1. These sorts of apps are perfect for if you don’t necessarily have the time to allocate yourself but want to get started earning an income passively.
Plum isn’t the only investment app option out there, of course, but we chose this one just as an example to show that there are a ton of quick and easy platforms that you can choose to get started, investing your spare change as you go and getting to grips with the concept of investment. Of course, a lot of these methods are fast-paced stock investments, and so if you want something that’s a little longer term then it might be worth doing some more research…
This might be a bit of a cheat answer to go with because podcasts aren’t exactly a specific app per se. Still, they do go hand-in-hand with your smartphone, and nearly everyone listens to podcasts through their smartphones on apps like Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts, and so it’s very much worth listening too.
There are a ton of podcasts out there that are specifically related to investment, and listening to these while on the go during your daily commute or while working can be a brilliant way of passively taking in a bunch of useful information, filling these gaps in your day with something productive rather than just listening to music or scrolling through social media. If you’re interested in the property investment market, for example, you might decide to listen to the Property Talk podcast offered by RWinvest, which provides the latest insights and opinions on the UK market in the current climate.
While we’re at it, too, make sure that you’re making the most of the information that you can gain access to online. Again, plenty of investment companies on the internet have mobile-friendly websites that are full of content that you can download and consume in your own spare time, self-educating yourself on the market as you go and come to your own conclusions. Take in as much as you possibly can, and make your own informed decisions on the sorts of things you want to get involved in.
Mentioned by The Big Investment in their guide to financial/savings apps that you should be using, here’s a great example of a financial advisor and savings app that’s a bit different, and gives you the information in a bit more of an informal way; it’s a bit more fun rather than preachy. Cleo acts like a bit of a sarcastic (and frugal) friend, going through your finances with a fine-toothed comb, and picking out things that look out of the ordinary and unusual.
With the information given to you in a chat or instant-message format, with even animated GIFs etc., it’s a great way to become more independent with your money and also more in-tuned with your finances in a fun way. For younger people that want to become more financially stable as they prepare to start investing some of their money, this might be one worth checking out.
If you are looking for personal finance apps, then it is difficult to decide which app is best suited to your need. Because each app has its own features. Personal Finance apps include banking apps, Mortgage apps, investment apps, saving apps and budgeting apps. All these free or paid apps are available for both android and iOS users.
The people who need guidance with their finances, Loot is a useful app for them. Loot’s features include daily budget setting as well as long-term saving goals. Another useful app is Squirrel if you want to divide your income into weekly payments, automatically pay bills. If you want a money manager and budget planner, then Spendee is the best one for you. Spendee support different currencies and joint accounts. A personal finance app, Chip is useful to gather everyday spending information using read-only access to your bank accounts. If you need a bank accounting app like Monzo, then go for Engage app. If you want to manage your money in a better way, then you might be interested in Saving Goals app. A wealth management app like Moneyfarm is also available and it is absolutely free. If you are interested investing in the stock then Moneybox app is a better choice which is authorised by the FCA and completely secure with a bank-level encryption software.
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