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Exploring Final Fantasy XIV: A Comprehensive Overview of its Rich Content and Enduring Appeal

In recent years, the surge in popularity of MMO games has been undeniable. However, amidst this growth, the release of genuinely compelling MMORPGs has been notably sparse. While titles like New World have injected fresh energy into the genre, it's worth considering a departure from the familiar queues and grinding loops of such games.

Final Fantasy XIV has long distinguished itself from its peers, both in Asia and Europe. Despite its decade-long tenure by 2021, the game's recent surge in player numbers forced developers to rapidly expand server capacity. This game also raised the popularity of boosting companies. Players started to order boosting in companies like Skycoach for leveling, passing dungeons, coaching, and just saving time. So, why should one consider delving into Final Fantasy XIV, despite its venerable age?


Despite its initial failure in 2011, the game managed to be revived and correct all the shortcomings of the earlier version. FFXIV actually has a surprisingly deep and detailed story that puts many modern single-player RPGs to shame. Naoki Yoshida's team managed to accomplish a natural feat and created an analog of the Marvel cinematic universe inside the game. Each addition is a separate, complete story, but they are all connected by a single plot chain, which combines numerous events into a coherent and well-developed story. The latter, by the way, sometimes raises many difficult issues, including gray morality, racism, dealing with conscience, and many others. Side plots do not lag behind the main story, be it additional tasks or class quests - the work of the scriptwriters and the quest designer together with the cutscene director can be felt everywhere. Completing each expansion can take you a hundred (or even more) hours of real-time.

Amount of content

In addition to a plot that would be enough for several full-fledged single-player games, there is simply an unreal amount of content in Final Fantasy XIV. Tired of going through the story? The game helpfully offers you other various activities:

  • Leveling up new classes. Fortunately, you don’t have to create a lot of twinks for this, since all classes and professions are available on one character.
  • Well-developed crafting and auction system.
  • Fishing, ocean fishing, underwater fishing, but more on that later.
  • Numerous hunting logs and treasure maps.
  • Leveling up your own squad in Grand Company.
  • Collecting mounts and minions.
  • Wasting time at the local casino “Golden Saucer”. This abode of excitement has a huge number of mini-games and events. Including daily and weekly sweepstakes, pet battles, costume contests, and Chocobo racing with the ability to customize a mount to suit your play style.
  • Collaborations with other popular games. For example, MHW, Nier: Automata, or Final Fantasy XV.
  • There are even PvP maneuvers, although they are not as popular as other content.
  • Side quests with local beastmen tribes (and more).
  • Completing complicated Savage versions of raids and Extreme trials.
  • A well-developed glamor or transmog system. A huge amount of armor and weapons will help you create your own personal stylish image.
  • “Eureka” and “God’s: Southern Front” are separate locations with their own plot and special mechanics that allow you to diversify the gameplay.
  • The Endless Tower is the ancestor of Torghast in WoW.
  • FATE are open tasks that can be completed at a location with other random players.
  • Leveling up and collecting skills for Blue Mage - a unique game class, whose arsenal has more than a hundred different abilities, which he learns by killing bosses and strong monsters.
  • Become a Mentor for newbies.
  • Engage in the purchase and improvement of a personal home or a room in a guild house.

As you can see, there is always something to do, if only you have the desire and time. In any case, in FFXIV you don’t have to chase the high level and not be afraid that you will fall behind other users and end up in empty locations.

High-quality graphics and low system requirements

Final Fantasy XIV is a visual treat and developers always update its graphics. Many players actively use the screenshot function because the graphics in the game are simply excellent. You can also use photo mode (not many games have this). Visuals are generally a very important component for FF14 - the animation of the characters, their emotions, and movements are perfectly drawn in it. At the same time, the developers had few resources when creating the game. Armor, weapons, and accessories, as well as an extremely convenient glamor system, allow FFXIV to look the part even today. In addition, the game is carefully optimized and does not put a lot of stress on the hardware. This is important because not all gamers have hardware suitable for demanding games. The game is really very beautiful.


Final Fantasy XIV, being an MMO, requires interaction with other players. It is important to note that, unlike many other similar games, the community here creates a friendly environment free of toxicity. Even if you make mistakes, others understand and are willing to help. Beginners can always contact the chat or the official forum of the game. to clarify what interests them. There are also many guides online, and the most advanced players can take advantage of boosting services. The developers are also actively involved in the community, promoting good manners and respect among people.

Interesting dungeons, raids, trials

Final Fantasy XIV has approximately 80 dungeons, over 70 challenges, and approximately 30 raids. This is a huge amount of content that won't get through quickly. That is why players often choose this particular game because you can enjoy it for a long time. Well, those who want to develop faster using boosting.

The group search system in the game is effective. It helps find a team in dungeons even at lower levels due to scaling. Completing low-level dungeons rewards you with special gear tokens and other items designed for both new and experienced players. Boss fights often have unique mechanics. This mechanic requires players to learn and adapt through practice. Therefore, some may find the game a little difficult at first.


The game's professional systems are quite similar to EverQuest 2, however crafting items in FF14 is far more difficult. Each craft profession is a distinct class. In the class, you can become a jack of all trades and master all eight professions. Many recipes require ingredients from other professions, and there is always something for sale at the auction house, even if you have not yet reached the maximum level. Furthermore, vocations allow you to create not just basic requirements, but also home accessories, Chocobo's clothing, and other important tiny goods.

Subscription price

Regarding the distribution model, the initial version of Final Fantasy XIV is accessible for free. Within this trial phase, players can experience the main game, A Realm Reborn, and its expansion, Heavensward, up to level sixty. Should you find enjoyment in the game and opt to purchase it, acquiring a starter set for 700 rubles alongside the latest expansion will unlock the full version inclusive of all remaining add-ons. Fortunately, the cost of 2000 rubles for countless hours of gameplay is deemed reasonable. The game adopts the traditional subscription payment model. For those utilizing the FFXIV version from Steam, regional pricing proves beneficial, with a monthly subscription averaging between 240-280 rubles, a negligible expense compared to competitors.

Musical accompaniment

Final Fantasy XIV wouldn't be Final Fantasy without its mesmerizing music. The background music is simply beautiful and perfectly conveys the atmosphere, be it the calm streets of the pirate capital of Limsa Lominsa or a brutal battle in a raid with a huge dragon. In addition to classic tracks, a lot of music for the game came from the pen of Masayoshi Soken, the permanent composer, a great friend of Yoshi P, and just a good person. Music from the game is available on Spotify.


Of course, no game is perfect, and Final Fantasy XIV also has its flaws. Some may not like the style, others may not like the lack of PvP in the open world and sieges, but still, this is one of the best games to play.

About The Author
Evelina Brown

Evelina Brown – freelance writer and UX designer.  She is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.

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