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Impact of technology in our daily life

People these days are so dependent on smartphones that they cannot even imagine their life without them anymore. Android occupies a major portion in the smartphone arena which means 8 out of 10 people are using an android smartphone. This android software has taken the market of phones to another level. But to sustain in the market they need to make certain innovations from time to time. But sometimes these innovations become a problem in terms of development. Android emulator that was once used as a solution is now not good enough for use.

With the increase in the explosion of smartphones in the market, you can see people shifting from desktops to laptops and then from laptops to smartphones. The shift from the big screen to personal devices has brought in a huge opportunity for the developers to create tools in such a way that it can full fil both work and personal needs. Within a few clicks on the smartphone a person can book movie tickets, railway tickets, etc. payments can be made very easily. Smartphones have made the life of people very easy. Android app store and apple’s app store have become a place where people can easily discover the apps that can meet their requirements. Ratings are being given to the apps and according to the views on the app, the person can decide whether to install the app on the phone or not. In the end, the customer is the real king of the market.

For every need of the customer, there are at least 2 or 3 apps. So, it is merely the choice of the customer which one to choose. Earlier the companies determine the product life cycle and according to that, the company upgrades the features of the app. But now if the app is incompatible with the latest OS, suck a lot of battery or does not work properly, then that app gets replaced by a better app. Today a company can only survive in the market if it can develop an app which is faster than existing ones.

When online android emulators came into existence they were like a boon to the developers. They were able to cross-check apps on different devices without buying the phones physically. They were a fairly inexpensive solution as they could mimic both hardware and software behavior. But as the market of app grew, the testing of all the apps became difficult as it was not able to provide a full picture that how this app will work on the customer’s phone.

So, innovations are very important in today’s world. The time has become so fast that every day you can get the replacement of technology that came into existence yesterday. That technology will sustain that has the potential to upgrade itself with time. It is not just the case of technology but even it is with humans. Competition is so high that even for a job you can get an easy replacement which can work better than the previous one. So both technology and human life go hand in hand.


About The Author

Pradeep is the App marketing consultant and Writer. He loves to deep dive into the ins and outs of the technologies. His aim is to share the knowledge by writing on the technical about App Marketing, Tech,Business, eCommerce, Startup, Enterprise IoT, AR, VR, and other Smart Technologies. To describe him in one word, he is a writer focused on Tomorrow’s World.
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