Crime is a nightmare, regardless of society. According to Statista's insights into the US crime records, about 396 violent crimes are reported per 10,000 of the population. Fortunately, advanced technologies have made fighting crime in the community more effortless. ...
With more and more teams now working remotely, some people complain that it can be hard to get the same sense of camaraderie as with teams who all work at the same location. Teams perform best when they know and trust each other and feel comfortable approaching and communicating ...
Time is the world’s most precious resource. After all, a smartwatch simplifies many daily tasks, making it ideal for managing it wisely. Innovating devices appear in the global market every year. There are a lot of things you need to buy for school, including gadgets, ...
You only have a few minutes to make a good impression on potential investors. So how can you make sure your pitch deck is up to par? If you're looking to score big with investors, your pitch deck is key. A strong pitch deck can make or break your chances of getting ...
The mobile gaming market size is projected to reach USD $338 billion in the future. This growth is being driven by the increasing number of smartphone and tablet users, as well as the availability of high-speed internet connections. Mobile gaming has become increasingly ...
What is leasing and how does it work Leasing is a financial solution for businesses and individuals; a service with which you can take a long-term lease of property with the possibility of its further redemption. It looks like both a rent and an analogue of a targeted loan. ...
Some of the main differences between playing on iOS and Android devices can be found here. Android is regarded as being more of an open system, whereas iOS is a closed system. Android users have the ability to customise their handsets, but iOS users have very few customisable ...
Data linking is the process of connecting data from one application to another. It allows businesses to share data between departments and across different locations. Data linking can improve business efficiency by reducing the need for manual data entry, eliminating duplicate ...
How often do you check your smartphone every day? According to some standard reports, this is an astonishing 100+ times per day. The overwhelming sensory experience that our phones provide in our daily lives makes us addicted to them. You may be wondering how so. Don't ...
There are a lot of resources to help entrepreneurs understand and document a software development business model. However, few provide insight on maximizing the profitability of the program. And it can be vexing for inexperienced managers who end up having to rely on out-of-date ...
Roofing is tiresome and time-consuming, especially if you manually measure roofs. Roofers do and are responsible for a lot, from estimating materials and their cost, to conducting measurements, to deciding on how much money is required to fund the project up to completion, ...
Businesses are shifting their customer service operations away from traditional brick-and-mortar settings. With these changes, call centers have dramatically risen in popularity and now serve as the first point of contact with prospective and existing customers. Excellent ...