Native mobile application development takes time and costs. It won’t be wrong to say -- Native mobile application development is a big challenge. Even Though, native mobile app development gives full control and better management, still, it struggles with IDEs and ...
Giving developers the ease to build native applications, React Native definitely is the need of the hour. It is maintained and managed by technical nerds of Instagram and Facebook. The sole purpose behind the creation of such a framework was to embed a concept where developers ...
Thousands of new apps emerge every day. New types of apps emerge as more and more industries become digitized. Fitness apps replace personal trainers and gym memberships. Mobile games compete with console gaming. The fashion industry is the latest to take advantage of these ...
Mobile apps are a powerful tool in today’s business landscape. When correctly developed, these apps can increase brand loyalty, encourage customer engagement, boost sales, and, in general, return higher profits. One staggering statistic that highlights the intense ...
Mobile Apps aren’t reserved only for the big players like Bank of Amerika and Amazon. The number of small and medium-sized businesses that are following this trend is growing as they’re beginning to understand that an effective mobile marketing strategy means ...
So, you have a great idea for an app. You want to get it on the Apple or Play Store as soon as possible. But how do you navigate all of the costs? Even if your app is completely free, there can still be some costs to distribute it online. Between development costs and maintenance, ...
Though it was short-lived, many people were amazed by Bill Gates hitting the ‘World’s Richest Man’ title once again post his philanthropy initiatives after stepping down as the CEO of Microsoft. The depleting Windows PC operating system business and $2 ...
The video game industry continues to evolve, but there are legendary games that have turned their creators into billionaires and have captured entire armies of loyal fans around the world, regardless of age. In this article, we have collected the most successful game projects ...
Now, in this competitive era, it is very critical to find the best mobile app development company for your dream mobile app. Mobile apps have become an essential tool for most of the business as they provide a convenient means to attract consumer’s attention through ...
Apple has recently released the latest version of Swift, referred to as Swift 5.0, with a lot of changes and better features to make the iOS App Development easier and quicker for swift developers. Swift Programming Language was originally launched by Apple in 2014 and ...
In graphic designs, mockups are full-size models of certain devices. A mockup is basically used for product demonstration, presentation, evaluation, testing and for other related purposes. So if you are a business person and you want to show the design of a device product, ...
With the internet flooded with millions of apps in application stores, having a new app gain attention and get downloads requires a critical, meticulously crafted marketing strategy. While there is an increase in the use of mobile applications and games, introducing a new ...