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Power Tips On Creating A Money Making App

Many consumers own mobile devices and download apps that they can use for shopping convenience, helping them achieve tasks, enjoying photos, music or videos, as well as for doing a variety of other activities. If you're looking forward to generate more income, now is the optimal time to look into developing your own app and earning from it.

By itself, creating an app will not automatically earn you money. The money pours in when you're able to design an app that becomes popular and well-used by consumers.

What tips do you need to keep in mind to successfully create an app that will make you earn?

Work with an expert app builder.

Take the guesswork out of app-building and save yourself valuable time by hiring the services of good app builders such as buildfire. An app developer can walk you through the process of designing and releasing a successful app.

Create an app that supports your business' website.

If your business already has an existing website, boost your opportunity to earn by making an app that your consumers can use with ease on their phones. Here are the reasons why your website should have a partner mobile app.

  • Shoppers now use apps more than mobile websites.

    Even if your website has a mobile-compatible version already, it can still be much easier for clients to purchase from you via your app. Recent surveys showed that 78% of consumers prefer to transact using a mobile app instead of navigating on a store's mobile-version website.

  • Mobile apps increase the loyalty of your consumers.

    When your clients install your app on their phones, they're already invested in your brand. They're ready to purchase your products over those sold by another brand. Your consumers are also 3 to 4 times more likely to be using their apps nowadays rather than going to websites. When they have your app installed, the likelihood of their making purchases from your store greatly increases.

  • Consumers save time when they use apps.

    For one, people don't need to remember the correct URL to your website and their login details. If they have your app already installed on their phones, all they have to do is open the app to make their purchases.

    This saves clients so much time in having to encode their data and payment details every time if they were to transact on your website instead. Apps store some of your data already on your mobile devices, and apps retrieve data much more quickly than websites.

Personalize your clients' app experience.

When consumers encode their information on your app, maximize the data. Here are some examples of how you can tailor-fit the app for your consumers.

  • Based on previous purchases, program the app to give relevant suggestions the next time your client browses. Have the app prioritize your consumer's preferences in the list of options given.
  • Keep your clients updated about promos on their preferred products with push notifications. Make them know about promos and special offers. More importantly, notify them right away when products they particularly want are available again. You may even address your consumers by their first name when you send out notifications.
  • Reward clients who purchase using your app regularly. Offer incentives such as points that can be used for discounts or free samples.

Make it as easy as possible for your consumers to pay on your app.

Offer a variety of options that your clients can choose from when it's time to pay for their orders. For example, ensure that they can add a card to their payment options so that they don't have to keep giving their credit card information every time. Add in other popular payment options such as PayPal, Google Wallet, and Apple Pay. You earn when your clients pay, so speed up the process for them.

Consider making your app available for free.

At the onset, you may earn some by charging people when they download your app. Note, however, that most apps are free. Many consumers get turned off when they have to pay to use your app. Remember that your app will be competing with similar apps already available. People may just opt to download a free app over paying for yours.

Rather than turning off consumers from even trying out your app, you can try a variety of other strategies to keep your market loyal to using your app after they've downloaded it for free.

  • Market advertising opportunities on your app. You can earn income when you sell space on your free app for businesses to advertise their products. When you offer your app for free, more people will download it. This, in turn, can be attractive for advertisers on your app.
  • Offer upgrades on your app which are accessible via monthly subscriptions. Give your consumers a variety of options such as having an ad-free app if they upgrade. Or, give them the option to be able to use your app offline.
  • A good example would be Spotify. You get to enjoy the basic functions of Spotify for free. Once you're hooked, they offer you Spotify Premium where you can download music, listen continuously with no ad interruptions, and play music offline.

Following the aforementioned tips will greatly help you create an app that can make money for you. Go out there and turn your target market into loyal and happy consumers on your app!

About The Author
Jesse Green

Jesse Green considers himself as a tech geek as he is always on his toes when it comes to the different innovations for businesses. Jesse understands how vital technology is in the success of a business which is why he has been fascinated with this niche for years. Jesse has been using his article contributions to buildfire as a platform to help different businesses thrive and grow. During his free time, Jesse likes to read books and spends time with his family.

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