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  • Henrik Bolte

    Henrik Bolte

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  • SumoFox Inc.

    SumoFox Inc. from Canada

    Making games and apps we actually love to play and use. Philosophy that sits somewhere in the middle of Sun Tzu and Quentin Tarantino..with a touch of Stan Lee.

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  • McPeppergames

    McPeppergames from Germany

    McPeppergames was founded in April 2013 by educator Daniela Mach and game industry veteran Chris Noeth. McPeppergames mission is to create high quality apps for kids.

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  • Nappy Pin

    Nappy Pin

    Old-school moms used to attach a nappy pin to their bra so they could remember which breast was due to use next. For modern moms there is an app for that!

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  • Corpoeurekait

    Corpoeurekait from Venezuela

    Tenemos un equipo de profesionales que esta a su disposición para asesorarlo y conseguir inversiones acertivas que lo ayuden a incrementar sus ganancias

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  • BadOrange


    Games gone simple!

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  • Capexsales Ltd

    Capexsales Ltd

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  • Reto Gehrig

    Reto Gehrig

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  • Blast Radius

    Blast Radius from U.S.A.

    CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is a not-for-profit health insurer serving 3.4 million individuals and groups in Maryland, Washington D.C., and Northern Virginia.

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  • Digilie Studio

    Digilie Studio from Italy

    Diglie Studio nasce nel 2005 da un gruppo di professionisti uniti dalla comune passione per la grafica 3D e gli effetti speciali. Nel corso degli anni lo Studio ha arricchito la sua rete di collaboratori, specializzati nei vari settori di produzione, accrescendo così il proprio potenziale tecnico, e allargando la propria offerta di servizi. Lo Studio si occupa di tutte le produzioni che implichino l'utilizzo della grafica 3D: dal cartoon, all'integrazione tra effetti 3D e riprese live-action, spot televisivi, sigle tv, Visual FX, videogiochi e applicazioni per smartphone e Tablet di ultima generazione. Dal 2009 è anche un centro ATC (Autodesk Training Center) per l'insegnamento dei software che riguardano Entertainment & Multimedia. school.digilie.com Digilie è anche uno dei principali sviluppatori in Italia di contenuti dedicati ai monitor Autostereoscopici (3D senza occhiali).

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  • Fantasy Crafter

    Fantasy Crafter from Japan

    “As a kid, I loved video games and books and fell in love with one of the most acclaimed RPG game. I loved the story, how I felt like I had a role in it and all the emotions that this game created in me. Many years later, I decided to get into 3D animation to be part of those who made me feel that way… This path took me from France to Japan, working on TV series mostly. With time, I realized that animating wasn’t enough for me so I decided to focus on my goal, which was to create great stories that would make people feel like how I felt when I was 16 years old. I want to make people love, hate, cry, laugh! For me, the best way to accomplish this is as an independent game designer. I know it won’t be quick and easy but each game we will make will be another step taking us closer to our dreams.” Christophe Sayaveth Founder/Game Designer

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  • appsadazy

    appsadazy from U.S.A.

    I am an indie mobile app developer.

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  • ZorroSign
  • Poster King - Card Maker
  • Wordoop Word Game
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